Arms (11)
A1: Shoulder Abduction/Adduction “Stick-em-ups”
A2: Elbow Flexion/ Extension “Triceps Extensions”
A3: Shoulder Flexion/ Extension “High straight arm rotation/
shoulder strengthener”
A4: Shoulder Flexion/ Extension “Mid-range straight arm rotation/
shoulder strengthener”
A5: Shoulder Protraction/ Retraction “Double Punch”
A6: Shoulder Horizontal Adduction/Abduction “Chest/back strengthener”
A7: Shoulder Abduction/Adduction “shoulder raises”
A8: Shoulder Internal/External Rotation “shoulder rotations”
A9: Elbow Flexion/Extension “Biceps Curls”
A10: Wrist Extension/ Flexion “wrist Curls”
A11: Forearm Supination/Pronation “Screwdrivers”

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  • A1: Shoulder Abduction/Adduction “Stick-em ups”

    Targeted Muscle: Upper traps & lats
    Setup: Standing wall protocol. Draw both arms up with elbows bent at 90°. Elbows in line with shoulders to start. Scapulae retracted and depressed against the wall (shoulders drawn down and back)
    Exhale: Lead with elbows as you draw your arms toward...

  • A2: Elbow Flexion/ Extension “Triceps extensions”

    A2: Elbow Flexion/ Extension “Triceps extensions”
    Targeted Muscles: Triceps & Biceps
    Purpose: Ensure you are strong and stable when reaching above the head and lowering objects from above.
    Setup: Standing wall protocol. Raise one arm up with elbows bent at 90° and in line with the chin. Scap...

  • A3: Shoulder Flexion/ Extension “High straight arm rotation/ shoulder strengthen

    Targeted Muscles: Pec Minor, lats & lower traps
    Purpose: to help strengthen the shoulders while lifting or lowering objects above the head to the chest
    Setup: Standing wall protocol. Keeping scapulae depressed and retracted (shoulders drawn down & back), draw the straight arms up until the fi...

  • A4: Shoulder Flexion/ Extension “Mid-range straight arm rotation/ shoulder"

    Targeted Muscles: Anterior & posterior deltoids
    Purpose: to help strengthen the shoulders while lifting or lowering objects from shoulders to hips
    Setup: Standing wall protocol. Keeping scapulae depressed and retracted (shoulders drawn down & back), draw the straight arms up until the fists ...

  • A5: Shoulder Protraction/ Retraction “Double Punch”

    Targeted Muscles: Rhomboids & serratus anterior
    Purpose: To help strengthen & stabilize. The shoulders during push/pull movements.
    Setup: Standing wall protocol. Keeping scapulae depressed and retracted (shoulders drawn down & back), draw the straight arms up until the fists are roughly in lin...

  • A6: Shoulder Horizontal Adduction/Abduction “Chest/Back strengthener”

    Targeted Muscles: Pecs & Traps
    Purpose: To help stabilize the shoulder joint during movement of the arms. This is relevant for any lifting, pulling, pushing, and any jerking movements that apply pressure to the shoulders.
    Setup: Standing wall protocol. Start with elbows in line with the shoulde...

  • A7: Shoulder Abduction/Adduction “Shoulder Raises” Targeted Muscles: Mid delt"

    A7: Shoulder Abduction/Adduction “Shoulder Raises”
    Targeted Muscles: Mid deltoids,
    Purpose: To help prevent injuries and stabilize the shoulders in motion.
    Setup: Standing wall protocol. Start with arms at your side, elbows on the wall and bent at 90° (forearm parallel to the ground).

  • A8: Shoulder Internal/External Rotation “Shoulder Rotations”

    Targeted Muscles: Subscapularis, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, Supraspinatus (Rotator cuff muscles), Teres major
    Purpose: To help prevent injuries and stabilize the shoulders in motion.
    Setup: Standing wall protocol. Start with arms at your side, elbows on the wall and bent at 90° (forearm paral...

  • A9: Elbow Flexion/Extension “Biceps Curls”

    Targeted Muscles: Biceps & triceps
    Purpose: To help strengthen and support the elbow while in motion.
    Setup: Standing wall protocol. Start with arms at your side, elbows on the wall and bent at 90° (forearm parallel to the ground). Palms face up towards the sky.
    Exhale: Lead with the wrists as...

  • A10: Wrist Extension/ Flexion “Wrist Curls”

    Targeted Muscles: Forearm flexors & extensors
    Purpose: To help strengthen and support the elbow and wrist while in motion.
    Setup: Standing wall protocol. Start with arms at your side, elbows on the wall and bent at 90° (forearm parallel to the ground). Gently closed fist with palms face up tow...

  • A11: Forearm Supination/ Pronation “Screwdriver”

    Targeted Muscles: Forearm pronator & supinators
    Purpose: To help strengthen and support the elbow and wrist while doing any rotational activities such as using a screwdriver, and opening doors, and other small tool use.
    Setup: Standing wall protocol. Start with arms at your side, elbows on the ...