A6: Shoulder Horizontal Adduction/Abduction “Chest/Back strengthener”
2m 20s
Targeted Muscles: Pecs & Traps
Purpose: To help stabilize the shoulder joint during movement of the arms. This is relevant for any lifting, pulling, pushing, and any jerking movements that apply pressure to the shoulders.
Setup: Standing wall protocol. Start with elbows in line with the shoulders, parallel to the ground and bent at 90° with fists facing forward.
Exhale: Lead with elbows as you draw the arms forward to engage the upper chest, then draw elbows down towards midline so the upper arm is 45° from the ground which engages the mid chest, then finally draw the elbow further towards midline until the upper arms are parallel to each other and the body to engage the lower chest.
Inhale: Lead with elbows as the elbows are drawn away from midline and back to the wall. Continue movement until elbows are in line with the shoulders.
Reminder: Feel the back open and expand as the arms are drawn forward, and feel the chest open and expand as the arms are drawn back.
A7: Shoulder Abduction/Adduction “Sho...
A7: Shoulder Abduction/Adduction “Shoulder Raises”
Targeted Muscles: Mid deltoids,
Purpose: To help prevent injuries and stabilize the shoulders in motion.
Setup: Standing wall protocol. Start with arms at your side, elbows on the wall and bent at 90° (forearm parallel to the ground).
Exhal... -
A8: Shoulder Internal/External Rotati...
Targeted Muscles: Subscapularis, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, Supraspinatus (Rotator cuff muscles), Teres major
Purpose: To help prevent injuries and stabilize the shoulders in motion.
Setup: Standing wall protocol. Start with arms at your side, elbows on the wall and bent at 90° (forearm paral... -
A9: Elbow Flexion/Extension “Biceps C...
Targeted Muscles: Biceps & triceps
Purpose: To help strengthen and support the elbow while in motion.
Setup: Standing wall protocol. Start with arms at your side, elbows on the wall and bent at 90° (forearm parallel to the ground). Palms face up towards the sky.
Exhale: Lead with the wrists as...