L4: Hip Abduction/Adduction “Side straight-leg lift”
2m 3s
Targeted Muscles: Tensor Fascia Latta (TFL) & Adductors
Purpose: To help protect the hip on uneven and slippery surfaces for dynamic hip stability.
Setup: Maintain a solid and supported rigid posture, leaning approximately 45° onto the wall with your shoulder. Ensure foot of top leg is slightly dorsiflexed (toes to nose) and pointing straight forward (many will have to do a slight internal rotation at the hip to maintain this).
Exhale: Lead with the ankle as you draw the straight leg away from the ground (approx 12”)
Inhale: Lead with the ankle as you draw your leg back into a stacked position.
Reminder: Avoid letting gravity pull you down. It is very easy to ‘cheat’ this by collapsing at the torso to get the leg higher. This is not about seeing how high you can get the leg, it is about only going to the end of the natural block of the little muscle on your hip (TFL).
L5: Hip Extension/ Flexion “Standing ...
Targeted Muscles: Glutes & Rectus Femoris
Purpose: To help move the body in a forward motion and create stability around the hip joint.
Setup: Stand upright with TVA engaged (feeling like your vertebrae are being gently decompressed), and place your hands on the wall for stability. Have the sta... -
L6: Knee Flexion/Extension “Butt Kick...
Targeted Muscles: Hamstrings & Quadriceps
Purpose: To help Strengthen the knee through its full range of motion, and provide stability for the knee with heavy lifts.
Setup: Stand upright with TVA engaged (feeling like your vertebrae are being gently decompressed), and place your hands on the w... -
L7: Squat
Targeted Muscles: All muscles of your lower body
Purpose: To help strengthen & stabilize the back, hips & knees through their full range of motion whether bending, lifting, pulling, pushing etc..
Setup: Stand upright away from the wall, yet close enough to reach it in case you need additional s...