A3: Shoulder Flexion/ Extension “High straight arm rotation/ shoulder strengthen
1m 59s
Targeted Muscles: Pec Minor, lats & lower traps
Purpose: to help strengthen the shoulders while lifting or lowering objects above the head to the chest
Setup: Standing wall protocol. Keeping scapulae depressed and retracted (shoulders drawn down & back), draw the straight arms up until the fists are roughly in line with the top of the head.
Exhale: Lead with the fists, as the arms are drawn down until the fists are roughly in line with the nose. Feel the contraction focused over the upper chest/shoulder region (pec minor region)
Inhale: Lead with the fists as the arms are drawn back up. Feel a contraction throughout the moving structures, yet focused on the lats/ lower traps (side & center of mid-back).
Reminder: Maintain shoulder blades depressed and retracted (down & back) against the wall. Full control and stability throughout movements. Be led by the breath.